021 427 5640 corketns@gmail.com

The Executive commiTtee

What is The Executive Committee?

The Executive is the Patron Body of the school. In the Irish National School system, every school has a patron body, which is the legal owner of the school on behalf of the school community. Traditionally it has been one of the churches that fulfilled that role.

This school is different. It is owned – through the Executive – by the school community. The parents effectively own the school! This means that we are independent in a way that few other schools are. It also means that it’s especially important that parents get involved in some way with the daily life of the school; that you make the most of your child’s time here. This isn’t the kind of school where you drop your kids in the morning, pick them up at 2.30 and forget about the place apart from that.

The Members of the Executive are:

  • Chairperson –  Beth Brint

  • Secretary –  Jill O’ Sullivan

  • Treasurer – Katherine McKlatchie

  • Member –  Lena Deevy

  • Member –  Emma Jones

  • Member –  Fionn Woodhouse

  • Member –  Katherine Harford

  • Member –  Telmo Carlos

  • Teacher Rep – Katie Hickson

The Executive is made up of the Board of Directors of CETNS, who are elected each year at the CETNS AGM or are co-opted throughout the year. We are the legal owners of the school building and are constituted as a non-profit company, limited by guarantee. Membership of the Executive is open to any parent/teacher who wishes to get involved.

There are currently a number of vacancies and we would be very pleased to hear from anyone who would consider joining the Executive.

What does the Executive do?

1. The promotion and preservation of the Educate-Together ethos of the school

The ethos of the school is:

  • multidenominational,
  • co-educational,
  • child-centred and
  • democratically-run

More information about the concept of Educate Together is available at www.educatetogether.ie


2. Funding the mortgage and insurance on the school building

Officially, primary education in Ireland is meant to be free, but in reality it is far from that. Unfortunately. We rely on parents reaching into their pockets again and again in order to keep the school going.

The primary means of paying the mortgage and other costs is through the collection of voluntary contributions from parents. Don’t let the word ‘voluntary’ fool you. This money is absolutely essential. We can’t force anyone to pay but without these contributions we wouldn’t have a school. It’s as simple as that.

We are also open to any other suggestions as to how best to fund-raise.

The recent development of the new School Hall has placed an increased burden on us, increasing our mortgage substantially. But it’s been well worth it as it has dramatically expanded the range of activities that the pupils can participate in both during and after school.

We have a recommended amount for this contribution. Some parents pay a good deal more; and there are obviously parents who find it hard enough to make ends meet without this extra burden who at least make some contribution; But it is crucial for your child’s future in this school that everyone contribute something.

Recommended amounts per year for voluntary contributions:

1st child €150 (€12.50 per month)
2nd child €100 (€21 per month)
3rd child: €75 (€27 per month)

We encourage you to pay electronically by standing order. Our bank account details are as follows:

Sort Code: 902813
Account number: 64569028
IBAN: IE60BOF190281364569028
Bank Name: Bank of Ireland
Bank Address: 70 Patrick Street, Cork

Please identify yourself in the narrative of your standing order so we can acknowledge your generosity.

Tax Relief Forms

As the School is a charity (reg. no: CHY10173) all donations to the school over €250 per year are tax deductable. The government has a scheme that allows you to give the tax benefit of your contribution to the school. This costs you nothing and requires you to fill out a very simple form which you can download here: http://www.revenue.ie/en/tax/it/forms/chy3cert-charity.pdf

Note: this covers all contributions to the school including fundraisers such as the winter fair, cake sales, etc. You are almost certainly contributing over the threshold amount to the school.

Contact The Executive Committee

Email us at execcetns@gmail.com

Call Beth Brint on 087 235 5022

Leave a note with your contact details in the School office and we’ll get back to you.